
Telecommunications Consulting Engineers

Evans Engineering Solutions  is a consulting engineering company that delivers high-quality service over a broad spectrum of over-the-air communications applications.  The president of the company, B. Benjamin “Ben” Evans,  has been involved in telecommunications engineering since 1981.  After graduating from UW-Madison with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ben got his experience at the company first started by his family.  Ralph and Rosa Evans, Ben’s parents, were icons in the broadcast industry, and were both inducted into the Wisconsin Broadcast Association’s Hall of Fame in 1994 and 1997, respectively.  As technology made leaps and bounds, the company grew with it, branching out into many areas.  Along with broadcast and wireless consulting, Ben has done considerable work in the RF aspect of the wind industry, servicing many large wind developers all over the country.  The legacy that Ben carries with him, combined with his expertise and attention to detail, and a field engineering crew with 50 years of combined experience, provides Evans Engineering with the tools to serve our clients well.  Our reports are clear and concise with viable solutions. To say it best, we provide problem solving beyond expectations.